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How to raise your BMR

How to raise your BMR

Your Basil Metabolic Rate (BMR) is a measure of how many calories your body burns to keep you alive through metabolic processes (aka your metabolism). The energy required for these processes – including breathing, blood circulation, cell production and nutrient processing – is largely determined by your genetics. This is why we refer to some…

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Top Tips For Training Over 30

Tips For Training Over 30

The big 3-0. While some may dread turning 30, many can make their best progress and look the best they ever have during their 30s. What? Yes, you can read that again. You can actually look better than when you did when you were in your 20s. How? Read on!   Use your experience If…

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Do You Need Carbs In Your Diet?

Do you need carbs in your diet?

Fats, proteins and carbohydrates all play vital roles in the functioning of your body. Carbs in particular are your body’s main energy source and, unlike fat, are not stored in meaningful quantities your body. Instead, when you consume more carbs than your body requires, the excess is turned into fat for storage. This is the…

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Caffeine-Free Ways to Boost Your Energy

Caffeine-Free Methods to Boost Your Energy

Caffeine can be a great way to energise yourself when you’re feeling sluggish or fatigued. However, too much caffeine can lead to jitters, restlessness, irritability and anxiety. Extreme adverse reactions may include headaches, nausea, sweating, stomach pains and acid reflux. Even if you tolerate caffeine well, too much too late in the day can easily…

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Five benefits of cold showers

5 Benefits of Cold Showers

While jumping in a cold shower might not sound very appealing, there’s growing evidence that cold showers have a multitude of health benefits, especially post-workout. Even better is that cold showers are accessible to pretty much everyone, and you’ll even save some money on your hot water bills! We’ll look at 5 of these benefits…

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Fitness: Your New Year’s Resolution

Make Fitness Your New Years Resolutions

The Christmas and New Year holiday period is always a time of celebration, relaxation, happiness, family and indulgence. All very good things … except, of course, when you take the indulgence bit a little too far. And let’s face it, who hasn’t had one serving too many of Christmas turkey or enjoyed a few too…

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