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Caffeine-Free Ways to Boost Your Energy

Caffeine-Free Methods to Boost Your Energy

Caffeine can be a great way to energise yourself when you’re feeling sluggish or fatigued. However, too much caffeine can lead to jitters, restlessness, irritability and anxiety. Extreme adverse reactions may include headaches, nausea, sweating, stomach pains and acid reflux. Even if you tolerate caffeine well, too much too late in the day can easily…

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Your Guide To Dairy-Free Protein Supplements

Dairy-free Protein Supplements

Whether you’re lactose intolerant or vegan, or simply don’t like dairy, there are still many types of protein supplements available to you. These plant-based products can be just as effective as their diary counterparts, and when combined can create protein supplements that outperform whey!   Pea protein powder Easily digested and gluten free, studies have…

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Whey Protein – Which Is The Best For You

Whey protein is the OG. Created from the liquid that separates from curds during the cheesemaking process, whey protein been around for a long time and is the most commonly available and widely used type of protein powder. It is rapidly digested, and a “complete protein”, meaning it contains all of the nine essential amino…

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Protein Supplements – Do You Actually Need Them?

Protein - Do you need it?

With so many products these days adopting the high protein approach, it’s no wonder most people think protein shakes are an essential part of life, especially if you exercise. Breakfast bars, yogurt, cereal, ice cream – you name it there is probably a “high protein” version.  And that’s even before you get to the actual…

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