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The 6-12-25 Training Method

The 6-12-25 Method: Build Muscle and Burn Fat

by Fitspedia Staff Writers

If you’re an intermediate trainer looking to build muscle and burn fat, then try the 6-12-25 method. It was promoted heavily by Charles Poloquin (one of the best strength coaches to have ever lived) and utilizes lactate training principles. Large blood lactate spikes signal the body to release growth hormone, which helps grow lean muscle and burn fat stores – a win-win! It’s also a very time efficient workout. But there must be a downside right? Of course there is – the 6-12-25 method isn’t for the faint hearted!

The actual training protocol is quite straightforward in the 6-12-25 method. The secret lies in the intensity. You simply perform three different exercises for the same body part one after the other with a 2-4 second lowering on the eccentric phase. The first exercise you do 6 reps, the second exercise 12 reps and the last one for 25 reps.  Make sure you choose a weight where you just manage to perform the required amount of reps, and you only rest a maximum of 10 seconds between sets. It’s this short rest, micro tearing and lactic acid that is the key to success!

Another important factor is exercise selection. Your first exercise should be a multi-joint exercise where you can go really heavy, the second exercise can be a body weight exercise and the last one something where you can get 25 reps out – machines can work great here. So, for example, your chest workout could be Bench Press – 6 reps, Dips – 12 reps, Cable fyles – 25 reps.  Or for glutes and hammies you could do Romanian deadlifts – 6 reps, barbell hip thrust – 12 reps and frog pumps 25 reps.

Give the 6-12-25 method a go and enjoy the burn and the gains!