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Promoting Your Gym

Own a gym? Then you need to read this

by Fitspedia Staff Writers

Own a gym? Here are 3 mistakes that gym owners and operators make.

As a gym owner or operator, there is no doubt that you’ve been heavily impacted by Covid-19 and you’re in the process of rebuilding your member base.  As we approach the busiest and most competitive time of the year for those in the fitness industry – January – here are 3 common mistakes and how taking control of your Fitspedia listing today will ensure you stand out from your competitors.


Not telling anyone about your gym

Gyms can be very intimating places (especially for the New Year’s resolutioners) and in the internet age almost everyone will do some research online before visiting your club. Most people who search for a gym have some level of understanding of what they are after, so helping potential members know what your club looks like, has to offer and what to expect will help you drive quality leads and also makes your job of converting them to members easier.

Fitspedia is Australia’s largest fitness database, and by improving or verifying your listing you have total control of your club’s image and information. You can share everything from basic club information such as contact and hours of operation, to what makes your gym a stand out and all the specific equipment, facilities and classes your offer.  This ability to share more information is especially helpful for those that operate under a franchise model and are limited with what they can share on corporate websites. As an added bonus, a Fitspedia link to your website can help increase the number of visitors to your site.


Not showing off your gym

No doubt you’ve spend hundreds of thousands (if not more) on fitout and equipment in your gym, yet so many owners and operators keep their facilities hidden with a total lack of photos. Often the photos they do have are of members enjoying a working but remember, your leads are interested in your club and its facilities, not your members!  Even more frightening is when they are happy to leave the image of their gym in the hands of random people who take and upload pictures to random websites.

Make sure you always have high quality photos showing off your unique space, equipment and facilities so you can stand out from the crowd regardless of which website or platform your gym appears on. Always make sure you present your club in the best light and the way YOU want. A dodgy photo taken in bad light can make your facility look like something its not and doubt is the last thing you want potential leads having, especially if there’s a competitor down the road or around the corner. When you improve or verify your Fitspedia listing, you can not only show off your awesome facility with as many images as you like – you can even link in your virtual tour for the ultimate experience.


Not promoting your offers properly

All gym owners do some level of marketing, usually in the form of print and digital advertising. However, these are all costly avenues and don’t always drive leads. Many also make the mistake of posting offers to followers on their social media page because its free. News flash –  there’s a very good chance that the majority of your followers are actually already members!

Fitspedia is here to help you and your business, so you can focus on running your gym and building your member base. If you own a gym, you can post your offers on your Fitspedia listing, absolutely FREE.  You’ll be able to stand out from the other gyms in your area and drive quality leads as our visitors are interested in one thing only – fitness.