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Dairy-free Protein Supplements

Your Guide To Dairy-Free Protein Supplements

by Fitspedia Staff Writers

Whether you’re lactose intolerant or vegan, or simply don’t like dairy, there are still many types of protein supplements available to you. These plant-based products can be just as effective as their diary counterparts, and when combined can create protein supplements that outperform whey!


Pea protein powder

Easily digested and gluten free, studies have shown that pea protein is even more satiating than whey! Pea protein is also rich in iron which makes it a great choice for women who can often be deficient in iron. However, some of the drawbacks of pea protein are that it’s absorbed slower than whey protein, and even thought it has all nine essential amino acids it can be low in methionine. Pea protein can also be high in sodium to make sure you check the content if this is important to you. Many brands often combine pea and rice protein to overcome these issues.


Rice protein powder

Similar to pea protein, rice protein is both gluten free and easy to digest. However the levels of the essential amino acid lysine are too low for rice protein to be considered a complete protein, so it’s often mixed with pea protein. Rice protein can also be high in carbohydrates so for those on low carb diets it might not be suitable.


Soy protein powder

Soy proteins are a great plant-based option as they contain all the essential amino acids and can also be concentrated or isolated like whey.  Soy based protein supplements have gained some negative attention though, largely due to purported oestrogen effects from heavily genetically modified manufacturing processes.  To avoid any potential negative side effects of soy, simply look for a soy protein that hasn’t been for heavily processed and is derived from non-GMO soy beans.


Hemp protein powder

With the huge increase in hemp-derived products during the last few years, hemp protein has joined hemp seed oil and cannabidiol (CBD) in gaining market traction and popularity.

Hemp protein is a plant protein that is easy to digest and contains an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids which not only aid in general health but help to decrease inflammation. However, it isn’t widely available and only contains 7 of the 9 essential amino acids. It can also be quite expensive, but watch out for Hemp as its increasing popularity around the world could mean greater accessibility and a more complete alternative.