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Caffeine-Free Ways to Boost Your Energy

Caffeine-Free Methods to Boost Your Energy

Caffeine can be a great way to energise yourself when you’re feeling sluggish or fatigued. However, too much caffeine can lead to jitters, restlessness, irritability and anxiety. Extreme adverse reactions may include headaches, nausea, sweating, stomach pains and acid reflux. Even if you tolerate caffeine well, too much too late in the day can easily…

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The 6-12-25 Method: Build Muscle and Burn Fat

The 6-12-25 Training Method

If you’re an intermediate trainer looking to build muscle and burn fat, then try the 6-12-25 method. It was promoted heavily by Charles Poloquin (one of the best strength coaches to have ever lived) and utilizes lactate training principles. Large blood lactate spikes signal the body to release growth hormone, which helps grow lean muscle…

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Gym Etiquette – Unwritten Rules You Should Follow

Gym Etiquette - Unwritten Rules To Follow

Gyms are generally busy but relaxed places, casual and almost always welcoming. They’ll inevitably have written rules to ensure the safety and comfort of all members, but there are also some unwritten rules of conduct that fall under the general heading of “gym etiquette” that you should make sure you follow.   Using Equipment Always…

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Intermittent Fasting For Fitness

Intermittent Fasting for Fitness

Intermittent fasting is one of the hottest buzzwords in fitness right now. So what is it and what are its benefits? Put simply, intermittent fasting is a controlled pattern of eating in which you cycle between eating and not eating (i.e. fasting). It’s not necessarily a “diet” if you don’t alter your food intake (either…

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Five benefits of cold showers

5 Benefits of Cold Showers

While jumping in a cold shower might not sound very appealing, there’s growing evidence that cold showers have a multitude of health benefits, especially post-workout. Even better is that cold showers are accessible to pretty much everyone, and you’ll even save some money on your hot water bills! We’ll look at 5 of these benefits…

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